HL7 Switzerland

About Us



Current Logo


Year of establishment

2000. HL7 Switzerland has its 20th year this year. But our 20year party is fallen into the water because corona.

Number of members

59 Companies
32 Individuals

Current Chair

Roeland Luykx

PhD sc. nat. Roeland Luykx, Chair HL7 Switzerland since 2018
Founder & CEO RALY GmbH, Wettingen Switzerland
Working since 15 years in eHealth in Switzerland. Involved in IHE and HL7 FHIR Projects i.e. eVaccination dataexchange and Swiss EPR

Technical Lead and working groups

Oliver Egger


Some highlights and major achievements - since establishment

Cooperation with government institutions

Working together with eHealth Suisse and FOPH

Project Highlights

Plans for the future?