HL7 Europe: News

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Memorial Colloquium in honor of Libor Seidl, Chair of HL7 Czech Republic

Thursday April 15, 2021, 15:30-17:00 CET, 9:30am -11:00EST
Registration Link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4945490466089239052

Libor Seidl has been a member of the HL7 community and chair of HL7 Czech Republic since 2008. As highly respected leader in standardization, Libor was warm and welcoming and made numerous contributions to HL7 and the larger healthcare informatics community. In the series of International HL7 Interoperability Conferences launched in 2000 in Dresden, Germany, he was the Chair of the Local Organizing Committee of the 2015 event in Prague, bringing together the HL7 Affiliate community. That was the event, where the European Strategic Advisory Group was formally established, one important step towards HL7 Europe. Libor Seidl passed away from COVID-19 on 29 March 2021.
He was father of three children.

Preliminary Program

Welcome: Sadhana Alangar, HL7 International Director of Education (5 min)

Closing Remarks: Catherine Chronaki, Secretary General, HL7 Europe (5min)

HL7 Europe Organizing Committee:
Bernd Blobel, HL7 Germany, EFMI Honorary Fellow
Alexander Berler, past Chair HL7 Hellas
Christof Gessner, HL7 Germany, HL7 Europe Board Member, Chair HL7 European Strategic Advisory Board
Catherine Chronaki, Secretary General, HL7 Europe

Interoperable Proof of Vaccination Implementation approaches across Europe

We have had a very well attended Webconference on February 25th, 2021. 196 interested participants listened to what our speakers could provide as the state of the art in different European countries.

Please feel free to download the slidedeck.


Welcome - Agenda
State of play with Vaccination Standards in Europe: an overview Christof Gessner, HL7 Europe Board of Directors, HL7 Germany

Vaccination Standardization Efforts across Europe (deep dive, 10 min each)

Panel statements (Limit to 5 minutes each)

Discussion (25 min)

HL7 as an organization has been a catalyst for health information technology standards since the times of HL7v2 and remains a catalyst with HL7 CDA and HL7 FHIR large scale projects as myHealth@EU and eHDSI introducing new ways of developing standards and accelerating their adoption. Quite timely as we are implementing proof of vaccination for medical and other purposes across Europe and beyond. Following the speaker talks, the following questions will be addressed in a panel:

Closing Remarks: Catherine Chronaki, HL7 Europe (5min)