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18.8.4 ADD - addendum segment (2.14.1)

The ADD segment is used to define the continuation of the prior segment in a continuation message. See Section 2.10.2, "Continuation messages and segments," for details.

HL7 Attribute Table - ADD - Addendum

Seq#Data ElementDescriptionFlagsImplementCardinalityLengthC.LENVocabularyData Type
100066Addendum Continuation Pointer MAY[0..1] 

String Data

Seq# Data Element Description Optionality Repetition Length C.LEN Table Data Type
1 00066 Addendum Continuation Pointer O      

String Data ADD field definition ( ADD-1 Addendum Continuation Pointer (ST) 00066 (

Definition: This field is used to define the continuation of the prior segment in a continuation message. See section 2.10.2, "Continuation messages and segments" for details. When the ADD is sent after the segment being continued, it contains no fields. It is only a marker that the previous segment is being continued in a subsequent message. Thus fields 1-N are not present. The sequence designation, 1-N, means the remainder of the fields in the segment being continued. These remainder of the segment being continued fields are present only when the ADD is sent with a continuation message.