Obligation Discussion
0.4.1 - Working Draft to present the Concept Ideas and Background Details (FO)

Obligation Discussion - Local Development build (v0.4.1) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Supplementing original Obligation Codes (from Grahame, reduced text/property, but commented) (Experimental)

Official URL: http://v2.hl7.org/fhir/CodeSystem/obligationOrigCommented Version: 5.1.0-cibuild
Standards status: Trial-use Responsible: FO Computable Name: ObligationOrigCommentedCodes

This codesystem is a supplement to the original by providing comments and proposals.

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

  • This CodeSystem is not used here; it may be used elsewhere (e.g. specifications and/or implementations that use this content)


This code system defines the following properties for its concepts

parent http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#parent code
converse code Indicates another obligation code with an opposite meaning to this one. A single obligation cannot list two converse codes and an application cannot satisfy both a code and its coverse (though if the obligation strength for both is SHOULD or MAY, an application could conform with both obligations by adhering to one and not the other).
comment http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#comment string comment from Conformance WG
equivalent code equivalent code in the proposed codesystem


This code system http://v2.hl7.org/fhir/CodeSystem/obligationOrigCommented defines properties on the following codes:

able-to-populate be able to populate
populate-if-known populate if known same as populate
populate populate presence of data has to be determined by minimum cardinality
in-narrative include in narrative Can be managed by using the text element directly.
exclude-narrative exclude from narrative Can be managed by using negation.
user-input allow user input to be taken from UI
explain populate or document irrelevance
persist persist persist
no-alter not alter NO modification, use negative
no-error not error if present
reject-invalid reject invalid
accept-invalid accept invalid reject-invalid
handle correctly handle process
display display display
process process
print print print
ignore ignore Can be managed by negations.
SHALL:able-to-populate SHALL be able to populate
SHOULD:able-to-populate SHOULD be able to populate
MAY:able-to-populate MAY be able to populate
SHALL:populate-if-known SHALL be able to populate if known
SHOULD:populate-if-known SHOULD be able to populate if known
SHALL:populate SHALL populate
SHOULD:populate SHOULD populate
SHALL:in-narrative SHALL include in narrative
SHOULD:in-narrative SHOULD include in narrative
MAY:in-narrative MAY include in narrative
SHALL:exclude-narrative SHALL exclude from narrative
SHOULD:exclude-narrative SHOULD exclude from narrative
MAY:exclude-narrative MAY exclude from narrative
SHALL:user-input SHALL take from user input
SHOULD:user-input SHOULD take from user input
MAY:user-input MAY take from user input
SHALL:explain SHALL populate or dcoumtn irrelevance
SHOULD:explain SHOULD populate or dcoumtn irrelevance
SHALL:persist SHALL persist
SHOULD:persist SHOULD persist
MAY:persist MAY persist
SHALL:no-alter SHALL not alter via SHALLNOT:modify
SHOULD:no-alter SHOULD not alter via SHOULDNOT:modify
MAY:no-alter MAY not alter via MAYNOT:modify
SHALL:no-error SHALL not error if present
SHOULD:no-error SHOULD not error if present
SHALL:reject-invalid SHALL reject invalid
SHOULD:reject-invalid SHOULD reject invalid
SHALL:accept-invalid SHALL accept invalid
SHOULD:accept-invalid SHOULD accept invalid
SHALL:handle SHALL handle correctly
SHOULD:handle SHOULD handle correctly
SHALL:display SHALL display
SHOULD:display SHOULD display
MAY:display MAY display
SHALL:process SHALL process
SHOULD:process SHOULD process
MAY:process MAY process
SHALL:print SHALL print
SHOULD:print SHOULD print
MAY:print MAY print
SHALL:ignore SHALL ignore
SHOULD:ignore SHOULD ignore
MAY:ignore MAY ignore
v2-re V2 RE (required but may be empty) wrong interpretation; intent is 'mustSupport'.
ihe-r2 IHE R2 R2 as defined in IHE Appendix Z Appendix Z is FHIR only, so no need to specify; R2 is in principle the same as 'RE'.
std Standard obligations unclear what 'standard' means