Obligation Discussion
0.4.1 - Working Draft to present the Concept Ideas and Background Details (FO)

Obligation Discussion - Local Development build (v0.4.1) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Artifacts Summary

This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.

Definition 1 for Obligations

This is the 1st definition for Obligations.

A) Base Patient Profile

Base Patient Profile that provides the base requirements

A) Profile Sender Profile

This profile has to include all mustSupport fields for a sender.


Obligation 1 Definition Description:

is to be placed behind the actor: profile 0..* <- 1 actor 0..* <-> 0..* obligation

Definition 2 (as an alternative) for Obligations

This is a 2nd definition (as an alternative) for Obligations.


Obligation 2 Definition Description:

is to be placed before the actor - profile 0..* <- 1 obligation 1..* <- 1 actor

Structures: Logical Models

These define data models that represent the domain covered by this implementation guide in more business-friendly terms than the underlying FHIR resources.

my other own Actor Definition2

my own Actor Definition2 (this time defined to test characteristics feature of FSH)

my own Actor Definition 1

my own Actor Definition 1

This puts the actor in the middle, and points to obligations

my own Actor Definition 2

my own Actor Definition 2 This puts the obligation into the middle, and takes pointers from actors.

Structures: Resource Profiles

These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

A) Profile Receiver Obligation Profile

This profile includes the obligation extension to the receiver.

A) Profile Receiver Profile

This profile adds the mustSupport fields for a receiver.

A) Profile Sender Obligation Profile

This profile includes the obligation extension to the sender.

B) Super Patient Profile

super profile that combines all requirements

Patient (Obligation Test)

This profile represents the constraints applied to the Patient resource to test obligation extensions

Structures: Extension Definitions

These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.

New Obligation Extension

Modified Extension to handle the obligations as I would like to see it. Also allowing for my own codesystems - where necessary.

Terminology: Value Sets

These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Data Expectation ValueSet

Valueset for data expectations

Obligation Alone ValueSet

Valueset for obligations (alone)

Proposed Content-consumption-oriented Obligation Codes VS

This valueset represents the proposed obligation codes for consuming the content.

Proposed Content-creation-oriented Obligation Codes VS

This valueset represents the proposed obligation codes for creating the content.

Proposed Obligation Codes VS (active only)

This valueset represents the proposed obligation codes that are available for use (active resp. not abstract).

Proposed Obligation Codes VS (complete)

This valueset represents the proposed obligation codes.

Proposed Transport-oriented Obligation Codes VS

This valueset represents the proposed obligation codes for managing transport requirements.

Verb ValueSet

Conformance verbs ValueSet

Terminology: Code Systems

These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.

Data Expectation Codes

This is the codesystem describing exptectations for Data Handling. It has to be discussed whether these codes can become more specialised activities!?

Obligation Alone Codes

This is the Obligation CodeSystem (alone) as part of the triplet.

Proposed Obligation Codes

This codesystem is a proposal for obligation codes in response to Grahame’s codesystem for obligations. It represents an ontology that not only combines the other three codesystems (verb, obligation, data expectation), but also introduces some more axes/dimensions to better explain the meaning of the codes.

Supplementing original Obligation Codes (from Grahame, reduced text/property, but commented)

This codesystem is a supplement to the original by providing comments and proposals.

Verb Codes

This is the Verb CodeSystem as part of the triplet.

Terminology: Concept Maps

These define transformations to convert between codes by systems conforming with this implementation guide.

MapOriginalToProposed Mapping

A mapping between the FHIR obligation codes, 5.0.0, and the ones proposed here.

Example: Example Instances

These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.

A) Patient 2 Example

This patient instance is used to demonstrate how obligation extensions are used

Actor 1: Receiver

Sample receiving actor based on my own Actor Definition 1

Actor 1: Sender

Sample Sending Actor based on my own Actor Definition 1

Actor 1: Test

Test Actor basdd on my own Actor Definition 1

Actor 2: Receiver

Receiving actor based on my own 2nd defintion

Actor 2: Sender

Sending Actor based on my own 2nd definition

Actor 2: Test

Test actor based on my own 2nd defintion

Actor Definition a: Sender Test

Actor a: Sender Test

Actor Definition b: Receiver Test

This actor is used to demonstrate receiving capabilities

Actor Definition c: Test (unused)

Actor c: Test (unused)

B) Patient B 1

Simple Instance

Obligation 1a: send exactly

Obligation 1a: send exactly the data as specified

Obligation 1b: store equivalent

Obligation 1b: store the data as an equivalent

Obligation 1c: store exactly

Obligation 1c: store exactly the data as specified

Obligation 2a: send exactly

Obligation 2a: send exactly as specified

Obligation 2b: store equivalent

Obligation 2b: store data in form of an equivalent

Obligation 2c: store exactly

Obligation 2c: store exactly as specified