Obligation Discussion
0.4.1 - Working Draft to present the Concept Ideas and Background Details (FO)

Obligation Discussion - Local Development build (v0.4.1) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Table of Contents

.. 0 Table of Contents
... 1 Home
... 2 Actor
... 3 Actor Obligations
... 4 Profiles
... 5 Codesystems
... 6 Pairing
... 7 Examples
... 8 IP-Statement
... 9 Dependencies and Globals
... 10 Cross Version Analysis
... 11 Artifacts Summary
.... 11.1 A) Base Patient Profile
.... 11.2 A) Profile Sender Profile
.... 11.3 Obligation1Definition
.... 11.4 Obligation2Definition
.... 11.5 my other own Actor Definition2
.... 11.6 my own Actor Definition 1
.... 11.7 my own Actor Definition 2
.... 11.8 A) Profile Receiver Obligation Profile
.... 11.9 A) Profile Receiver Profile
.... 11.10 A) Profile Sender Obligation Profile
.... 11.11 B) Super Patient Profile
.... 11.12 Patient (Obligation Test)
.... 11.13 New Obligation Extension
.... 11.14 Data Expectation ValueSet
.... 11.15 Obligation Alone ValueSet
.... 11.16 Proposed Content-consumption-oriented Obligation Codes VS
.... 11.17 Proposed Content-creation-oriented Obligation Codes VS
.... 11.18 Proposed Obligation Codes VS (active only)
.... 11.19 Proposed Obligation Codes VS (complete)
.... 11.20 Proposed Transport-oriented Obligation Codes VS
.... 11.21 Verb ValueSet
.... 11.22 Data Expectation Codes
.... 11.23 Obligation Alone Codes
.... 11.24 Proposed Obligation Codes
.... 11.25 Supplementing original Obligation Codes (from Grahame, reduced text/property, but commented)
.... 11.26 Verb Codes
.... 11.27 MapOriginalToProposed Mapping
.... 11.28 A) Patient 2 Example
.... 11.29 Actor 1: Receiver
.... 11.30 Actor 1: Sender
.... 11.31 Actor 1: Test
.... 11.32 Actor 2: Receiver
.... 11.33 Actor 2: Sender
.... 11.34 Actor 2: Test
.... 11.35 Actor Definition a: Sender Test
.... 11.36 Actor Definition b: Receiver Test
.... 11.37 Actor Definition c: Test (unused)
.... 11.38 B) Patient B 1
.... 11.39 Obligation 1a: send exactly
.... 11.40 Obligation 1b: store equivalent
.... 11.41 Obligation 1c: store exactly
.... 11.42 Obligation 2a: send exactly
.... 11.43 Obligation 2b: store equivalent
.... 11.44 Obligation 2c: store exactly