Obligation Discussion
0.4.1 - Working Draft to present the Concept Ideas and Background Details (FO)

Obligation Discussion - Local Development build (v0.4.1) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions


We need to provide some example definitions for actors and obligations to clarify and explain how to use what is described here.


We have two options to combine profiles with actors/obligations:

Number Definitions Explanation
d1 profile 0..* <- 1 actor 0..* <-> 0..* obligation actor is in the middle
d2 profile 0..* <- 1 obligation 1..* <- 1 actor obligation is in the middle
d3 data requirement <- profile 0..* <- 1 functional requirement 1..* <- 1 actor obligation surrounding profiles

Actor Details

  • actor capabilities
  • obligation profile


We can define actors and obligations either based on FHIR (at least as far as possible), or start from scratch:

Foundation based on FHIR completely from scratch
Actor ActorDefinition Actorxxxx
Obligation Obligation1Definition Obligation2Definition

Pairings as the basis for real scenaries or examples

Pairing Combination Naming convention
1 one:many p1
2 one:one p2
3 many:one p3

Example Instance(s)

A set of example instances must be created that illustrate the use of those definitions. Each instance belongs to one option and one pairing. Therefore, the following naming convention is used:


d9 is the definition model
p9 the pairing combination, and
ex99 the example instance.