Obligation Discussion
0.4.1 - Working Draft to present the Concept Ideas and Background Details (FO)

Obligation Discussion - Local Development build (v0.4.1) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Proposed Obligation Codes (Experimental)

Official URL: http://v2.hl7.org/fhir/CodeSystem/obligationProposed Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2024-05-08 Responsible: FO Computable Name: ObligationProposedCodes

Copyright/Legal: Conformance WG

This codesystem is a proposal for obligation codes in response to Grahame’s codesystem for obligations. It represents an ontology that not only combines the other three codesystems (verb, obligation, data expectation), but also introduces some more axes/dimensions to better explain the meaning of the codes.

This Codesystem has originally been derived from 3 individual codesystems that were the basis for discussion in Conformance WG:

  • verbs, aka of reqquirement level
  • obligation, aka of functional requirements, and
  • data expectation, aka of data requirements

During the course of discussion Conformance WG members became aware that due to the overarching complex structure of obligations the maintenance as individual and independent codesystems seems inappropriate. It is also unnecessary complex to instantiate them in form of reasonable combinations when taking them from different CS. Instead, it appears much better to combine them as an ontology in form of a single codesystem and to introduce the meaning by properties and polyhierarchies. This way, complex obligations can be expressed. Consequently, those properties (where indicated) are inherited downwards.

As a result from the discussion, borrowing from the codesystem currently bound to the obligation extension led to an improved and enhanced codesystem. It has multiple axes to separate concerns. It is designed as follows:

Following a short intro into the different axes. The purely definitional ones are marked in red, supporting the foundation for precoordination in yellow. The green will contain precoordinated and defined concepts that can be instantiated and used in combination with profiles. Due to their ontological definition, their meaning should be clear:

Dimensions for Managing Obligations (to be considered in proposed CodesystemObligationDimensionscodes forprecoordinationConformance VerbSHALLSHOULDMAYSHOULDNOTSHALLNOTActivities(aka BaseObligation)FunctionalRequirementsfor transportas senderas receiver(as responder ??)(as forwarder/router ??)for contentas produceras consumerother ??Data ManagementData Requirement/Expectation(precoordinated)codesfor useCombined Obligations(for value setsand use)definitionalNegationActor (Direction)Actor TypetransportcontentFunctional TypeDeviceMediaElement LevelTestableby machineby humaninspection
  • definition/qualification:
    • Negation: to tag the inverse of a statement or to express the explicit negation
    • Conformance verbs to denote the requirement level
    • Actor, i.e. indirect direction (of communication)
    • Actor Type, i.e transport or data management
    • Functional Type
    • Element Level for application, i.e. at root, on a node, or just at leafs
  • for precoordination:
    • Activities, aka of base obligations
      • Functional Requirements, i.e. data management and transport
        • as producer
        • as consumer
        • (at single point in time one is either producer or consumer)
        • other?
      • Data Managment, aka creation/consumption
      • Data Obligation, aka expectation

Axis to be instantiated:

  • combined obligations (shown at the end)

Some remarks:

  • Some requirements are only interpretable in combination with minimum cardinality:
    • For example, “SHALL:populate” does not imply that a value is always present. Otherwise we have side-effects in interpreting the concepts.


Following, some interactions should help to understand where specific activities take place so that it becomes easier to align with obligations. The drawings should be taken as abstract examples and may of course vary to reality.

Simple Receiver

In the following, a component - the receiver - is taking the data, parse it, and maintains the data in a central space - the “parsed data”. The consumer actor in return is triggered, takes the data, and starts some kind of processing with it. It may result in any kind of modification which is shown as simple interactions with the storage (database). As a response to this internal processing, some data is provided for preparing a response to the originator. (It should be noted that this drawing abstracts from a transport vs. application acknowledgement.)

Receiver ActorOriginatorOriginatorReceiverReceiverparsed dataparsed dataConsumerConsumerStorageStorageReceiving and processing datatransmit dataparse dataprocess datastart processinguse dataread datamodify datastore dataprovide dataprepare responserespondend Processing


The other drawing examines what happens if data is routed to another party.

Routing ActorOriginatorOriginatorReceiverReceiverparsed dataparsed dataProcessorProcessorInternal StorageInternal StorageSenderSenderTargetTargetReceiving and processing datatransmit dataparse dataprocess datause dataread datamodify datastore dataprovide datatrigger transmissionget datatransmit datareceiveimmediateresponsereturn responseprovide responsetrigger responseprepare responserespondend Processing

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:


This code system defines the following properties for its concepts

parent http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#parent code Who is the parent element of this concept? Multiple parents are possible.
negation boolean Negating the underlying combination of concepts.
abstract http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#notSelectable boolean Is this an abstract concept, ie. defined to establish the ontology, so that it cannot be used directly. (only valid for the concept where it is defined)
testable code Is this a testable requirement?
comment http://hl7.org/fhir/concept-properties#comment string Comment from Conformance WG
converse code What is the opposite item
constrainTo code What is a possible constraint? This can be done with the hierarchy, or, in case of conformance verbs, explicitly following this option, although this is not recommended.
applyOn code Apply on which element level: root, node, leaf, all, notRoot, notLeaf
actor code Actor


This case-sensitive code system http://v2.hl7.org/fhir/CodeSystem/obligationProposed defines the following codes in a Is-A hierarchy:

LvlCodeDisplayDefinitionParentnegationNot SelectabletestableCommentconverseconstrainToapplyOn
1 Negation Negation Negate the meaning of the concepts that inherit 'negation'. (Negation is not negated again.) true true In principle, negation is to be inherited from concepts that are negated already. Therefore, a negation shall only take effect once, and not negate a negation.
1 Verbs conformance verbs Conformance verbs are to be used to define the requirement level that is the foundation to indicate what has to be tested. true Conformance verbs are primarily interesting for testing, i.e. to indicate what has to be tested. The other concepts can be taken as hints to a developer.
2   MAY MAY it is to the developers choice whether an element is supported or not Verbs notTestable MAY primarily provides additional general information, but is still for the discretion of the implementer/developer. MAYNOT SHOULD, SHOULDNOT
3     SHOULD SHOULD It is a recommendation to take care of this element MAY Just a hint. SHALL, SHOULDNOT, SHALLNOT
4       SHALL SHALL This verb denotes a testable requirement. SHOULD testable
2   MAYNOT MAYNOT It is to the developers choice whether an element is probably not supported. Verbs, Negation true notTestable MAYNOT is no reasonable option. It is mentioned though to complete the hierarchy. MAY
3     SHOULDNOT SHOULD NOT it is a recommendation NOT to take care of this element (for some reasons) MAYNOT true SHOULD SHALLNOT, SHOULD, SHALL
4       SHALLNOT SHALL NOT it is forbidden to handle this element SHOULDNOT true testable It may happen for some elements, eg. due to security reasons, not to handle (provided/store/etc.) this element. SHALL
1 FunctionalType Functional Type of Requirement Functional Type of Requirement true
2   functional functional functional requirement FunctionalType
3     internal internal functional function that operates on the internal data management functional
3     return return functional functional requirement on direct returns functional
3     response response function functional requirement to prepare responses functional
3     forward forwarding function functional requirement to forward data functional
2   data data data requirement FunctionalType
1 Testable Type of Testing Type of Testing true
2   testable testable requirement is testable Testable
3     testableByMachine machine testable requirement is testable by a machine testable
3     testableByHuman human testable requirement is testable by a human (inspection) testable
4       withChecklist checklist requirement is testable by using a checklist testableByHuman
2   notTestable testable requirement is not testable Testable true
1 ActorType Type of Actor An actor can operate in two ways: with the content itself, or as a manager of the instance. true
2   transport transport handle the transport of data once the instance is available/accessible ActorType not sure whether this (and everything related) has to be taken out of this spec?
2   content content mngmt manage the data itself ActorType
1 Actor Actor of Communication Actor, i.e. indirect direction of communication true
2   both sender and/or receiver both: sender+receiver resp. creator+consumer Actor true an actor can only do one thing at a certain point in time. Therefore, both is not allowed and only listed for documentation.
2   sender sender sender (transmitter) of data Actor, transport Sender does not necessarily need to create the instance.
2   receiver receiver receiver of data Actor, transport
2   creator creator creator of data Actor, content Creator does not necessarily need to send the instance.
2   consumer consumer Consumer of data Actor, content
2   router router router of data: shall be receiver and sender! Actor, transport true A router is in principle a combination of receiver and sender, w/ possible changes on the data in between. It should be described as such.
1 Device Device for Activity Device to be used for the activity true
2   screen screen screen/display Device
3     wideScreen wide screen wide screen/display screen
3     radScreen radiologic screen screen/display capable of showing radiologic results screen
2   printer printer printer Device
3     laserPrinter laser printer laser printer printer
3     matrixPrinter matrix printer matrix printer printer Sometimes it is important to use a matrix printer, esp. for creating carbon copies.
2   portableStorage portable storage device portable storage device Device
3     usbStick usb stick USB Stick portableStorage
3     tapeDrive tape drive tape drive portableStorage
1 Media Media different media to be used with specialised devices true
2   paper paper paper Media
2   stick stick stick Media
2   disc disc disc Media
2   tape tape tape Media
1 ElementLevel Level of Application On which level to apply this obligation: root, node, or leaf true
2   root on root node apply obligation on root node only ElementLevel notRoot
2   node on any node apply on any node that is not root or leaf ElementLevel
2   leaf on leaf node apply on leaf node only ElementLevel
2   all on all levels application on all levels possible ElementLevel
2   notRoot all but root apply on non-root nodes only ElementLevel root
2   notLeaf all but leaf apply on non-leaf nodes ElementLevel
1 Activity Activity Activities, aka of general obligation true
2   FunctionalObligations Functional Obligations Functional Obligation describing processsing functionalities Activity true
3     ProducerObligations Resource Producer Obligations FunctionalObligations true
4       send send convey instance with values to somewhere ProducerObligations, sender root
4       populate populate populate with values from somewhere ProducerObligations, creator prohibited elements can be expressed by 'SHALL NOT send'.
5         from-ui from UI Take the data from UI, so that the user has the ability to enter it. populate
5         from-store from persistence layer Take data from storage/persistence layer. populate
5         generate generate this data This data can be generated. populate
6           from-other generate from other values This data can be generated from other data. generate
6           sequence generate a sequence number generate
5         from-input from input stream As a router, take data from input stream. populate, router
5         as-constant constant added as constant to the data, no special treatment done internally populate
5         into-narrative narrative added to the narrative, no special treatment done internally populate
3     ConsumerObligations Resource Consumer Obligations Obligation for Consumer FunctionalObligations, receiver true
4       receive receive receive data form somewhere ConsumerObligations, receiver root
4       process process handle data from instances as needed for general message consumption, store permitted. ConsumerObligations, consumer elements that are to be ignored can be expressed by 'SHALL NOT process'.
5         follow-up follow-up activity what to do internally process
6           display display/present (UI) present the data on a display follow-up
6           persist persist persist/store the data somewhere router, follow-up
7             archive archive persist/store the archive which ensures longlasting access persist
7             in-database persist in a database persist in a database persist too explicit/dedicated, concerns application details
7             in-file store in a file store in a file persist too explicit/dedicated, concerns application details
6           print print print the data (somewhere) follow-up
6           eval evaluate consider the data in order to interpret other correctly follow-up
6           integrate integrate into data to UPDATE existing data by merging other data with the existing data in a controlled manner follow-up
5         respond activity as response what to respond process
6           warning return warnings return possible warnings respond
7             error return error return possible errors warning
7             reject-invalid reject invalid data reject if data is invalid warning
6           accept-invalid accept invalid data accept if data is invalid respond
3     ExchangerObligations Resource Exchanger Obligations needs clarification ... FunctionalObligations, both, router true
4       route route forward as a router forward to the next recipient ExchangerObligations false
3     OtherObligations Resource Other Obligations Other obligations beyond what has been described above. FunctionalObligations true
4       explain explain provide an explanation in a capability statement how this element is handled OtherObligations
4       document document document the use of this element in a separate document OtherObligations
2   DataObligation Obligations on Data Data Obligations Activity, creator, consumer true The following codes may apply to creator and consumer. For example 'do not modify from UI'.
3     expected expected data fits to expectations/specification DataObligation This applies to recipients and denotes that the data should be present according to the specification, i.e. is specified.
4       unaltered preserve preserve what you get expected That may also be used to take data from UI without any modifications.
5         exactly exactly exactly what is specified, nothing else unaltered not sure whether 'unaltered' is sufficient so that we can drop that!?
4       modify modify allow for modifications of the data expected, consumer Covers all types of modifications to data.
5         assocation assocation taken by association modify
5         equivalent equivalent in an equivalent way modify
5         translate translate Data received is preserved by 1:1 mapping/translation to an internal value that is semantically equivalent, that preserves the temporal aspect of the translation. modify
6           semantically translate semantically Two concepts are semantically equivalent if they can substitute for each other in the defined use case with no loss of information used to define the concept. translate
6           clinically translate clinically Two concepts are clinically equivalent if they can substitute for each other in the defined use case with no impact on clinical interpretation by a trained clinician. This may include further refinements based on the specific domain, e.g., for Lab use case, this would require interpretation that includes the impact of differences in normal ranges. translate
5         reference reference Use referenced data based on stored pointer; stored data is displayed by linking to the corresponding stored value most often the case for data elements that are STORED EXACT by ASSOCIATION. modify
5         truncate cut off data cut off remaining characters from the data thereby shortening the data modify
5         more-details additional details/values extends the expected data with more/own information, e.g. appartment if street is specified modify, creator This is in principle not a modification...
5         more-structure additional substructures provides the data with more granular details, e.g. house number for an address line modify, creator This is in principle not a modification...
5         missing data is missing/not available provide a null-flavor/absent reason modify, creator In FHIR this is the permission/indication for a data-absent-reason or something similar. In V3 it is null-flavor.
5         constant added as a constant this value has no valid representation or meaning in the sending application, it is just added because it is required to be there modify
3     unexpected unexpected values how to manage unexpected data (as sender or receiver) DataObligation
4       replaces new/other values replaces the expected data by something else unexpected
4       consider consider unexpected values take vare of values that are coming but not described/specified. Allows for warnings unexpected
1 CombinedObligations combined obligations The children can be used to encode obligations for data elements. Terms in parenthesis are shown for readability. This list is not complete, and only provides some reasonable samples. true The following list is just a snippet and should be enhanced during the discussion..., The hierarchy has to discarded because not everything is explicitly modelled.
1 MAY:populate MAY populate with data Conformant applications MAY take and provide data. CombinedObligations, MAY, populate is this a useful combination?
1 MAY:populate:missing MAY populate data element with why orig data is missing Conformant applications MAY populate the element why the original data is missing. MAY:populate, missing
1 MAY:(populate)from-ui MAY populate with data taken from ui Conformant applications MAY take data from a UI and provide it. CombinedObligations, MAY, from-ui
1 SHOULD:populate SHOULD populate with data Conformant applications SHOULD take and provide data. CombinedObligations, MAY:populate
1 MAY:(populate)into-narrative MAY populate into-narrative Conformant applications MAY populate element into narrative text as well. CombinedObligations, SHOULD:populate discuss whether other representation forms are better
1 SHOULD:(populate)into-narrative SHOULD populate into-narrative Conformant applications SHOULD populate element into narrative text as well. CombinedObligations, MAY:(populate)into-narrative discuss whether other representation forms are better
1 SHALL:(populate)into-narrative SHALL populate into-narrative Conformant applications SHALL populate element into narrative text as well. CombinedObligations, SHOULD:(populate)into-narrative discuss whether other representation forms are better
1 SHOULDNOT:(populate)into-narrative SHOULD NOT populate into-narrative Conformant applications SHOULD NOT populate element into narrative text. CombinedObligations SHOULD:(populate)into-narrative
1 SHALLNOT:(populate)into-narrative SHALL NOT populate into-narrative Conformant applications SHALL NOT populate element into narrative text. CombinedObligations, SHOULDNOT:(populate)into-narrative SHALL:(populate)into-narrative
1 SHALL:populate SHALL populate with data Conformant applications SHOULD take and provide data. SHOULD:populate
1 SHOULD:(populate)from-ui SHOULD populate with data taken from ui Conformant applications SHOULD take data from a UI and provide it. CombinedObligations, SHOULD, from-ui, creator
1 SHALL:(populate)from-ui SHALL populate data taken from ui Conformant applications SHALL take data from a UI and provide it. SHOULD:(populate)from-ui, SHALL, from-ui testableByHuman
1 SHALL:(populate)from-ui:more-details SHALL populate with data taken from ui perhaps with more details Conformant applications SHALL take data from a UI and bring it into the instance. It is allowed to provide more details then specified. SHALL:(populate)from-ui, more-details
1 SHOULD:send SHOULD send the instance Conformant applications SHOULD send the instance. CombinedObligations
2   SHALL:send SHALL send the instance Conformant applications SHALL send the instance. CombinedObligations, SHALL, send, sender testableByMachine root
1 MAY:persist MAY store the data Conformant applications MAY store the data. CombinedObligations, MAY, persist
1 SHOULD:persist SHOULD store the data Conformant applications SHOULD store the data. CombinedObligations
2   SHALL:persist SHALL store the data somewhere Conformant applications SHALL store the data in some way. CombinedObligations, SHALL, persist testableByHuman
3     SHALL:persist:exactly SHALL store the data somewhere, but exactly as is sent Conformant applications SHALL store the data in a way that the originally data from the instance can be reestablished. CombinedObligations, SHALL, persist, exactly testableByHuman
2   SHOULD:(persist)in-database SHOULD store the data in a database Conformant applications are asked to store the data in a database. CombinedObligations, SHOULD, persist, in-database
2   SHALLNOT:populate:more-details SHALL NOT populate more data than is specified Conformant applications SHALL NOT populatae more data than is specified. The specification is closed. CombinedObligations, SHALLNOT, populate, more-details, creator true testableByMachine
2   SHALLNOT:populate:missing SHALL NOT populate info about missing data, ie. data absent reasons Conformant applications SHALL NOT populate a reason for missing information. CombinedObligations, SHALLNOT, populate, missing, creator true
2   MAY:populate:more-structure MAY populate the data in more structured way Conformant applications are allowed to populate the data with more structure. For example, to split an address line into streetname and house number. CombinedObligations, MAY, populate, more-structure
2   SHALLNOT:follow-up:truncate SHALL NOT truncate data Conformant applications SHALL NOT cut off data. CombinedObligations, SHALLNOT, follow-up, truncate, consumer true testableByHuman
2   MAY:modify MAY modify the data Conformant applications MAY, i.e. are allowed to modify the data. CombinedObligations, MAY, modify nice hint
2   MAY:print MAY print data Conformant applications MAY print the data. CombinedObligations, MAY, print
2   SHOULD:print SHOULD print data Conformant applications SHOULD print the data. CombinedObligations, SHOULD, print
2   SHALL:print SHALL print data Conformant applications SHALL print the data. CombinedObligations, SHALL, print, consumer testableByHuman
1 SHALLNOT:(populate):in-narrative SHALL NOT add to narrative Conformant applications SHALL NOT add this data to the narrative. CombinedObligations, SHALLNOT, populate, into-narrative, creator testableByHuman
1 MAY:process MAY process the data Conformant applications MAY process the data somehow. CombinedObligations, MAY, process There is no further specification in which way the data can be processed.
1 SHOULD:process SHOULD process the data Conformant applications SHOULD process the data in some meaningful way. CombinedObligations, MAY:process
1 SHALL:process SHALL process the data Conformant applications SHALL process the data in some meaningful way. CombinedObligations, SHOULD:process
1 SHOULDNOT:process SHOULD NOT process the data Conformant applications SHOULD NOT process the data in some meaningful way. CombinedObligations, SHOULDNOT, process
1 SHALLNOT:process SHALL NOT process the data Conformant applications SHALL NOT process the data in some meaningful way. SHOULDNOT:process, SHALLNOT, process
1 SHOULD:document SHOULD document how the data is used Conformant applications SHOULD document the way the data is used in some (meaningful) way. CombinedObligations, SHOULD, document
1 SHALL:document SHALL document how the data is used Conformant applications SHALL document the way the data is used in some (meaningful) way. SHOULD:document, SHALL, document
1 SHOULD:display SHOULD display the data Conformant applications SHOULD display the data in some meaningful way. CombinedObligations, SHOULD, display
1 SHALL:display SHALL display the data Conformant applications SHALL display the data in some meaningful way. CombinedObligations, SHOULD:display
1 SHOULDNOT:modify SHOULD NOT modify the data Conformant applications SHOULD NOT modiify the data in any way. CombinedObligations, SHOULDNOT, modify
1 SHALLNOT:modify SHALL NOT modify the data Conformant applications SHALL NOT modiify the data in any way. CombinedObligations, SHALLNOT, modify
1 MAYNOT:process MAY NOT process data Conformant applications MAY NOT process data, aka of ignoring. CombinedObligations, MAYNOT, process this is equivalent to MAY:ignore.
1 SHOULD:reject-invalid SHOULD reject invalid data Conformant applications SHOULD reject invalid data. CombinedObligations, SHOULD, reject-invalid
1 SHALL:reject-invalid SHALL reject invalid data Conformant applications SHALL reject invalid data. CombinedObligations, SHALL, reject-invalid
1 SHOULD:accept-invalid SHOULD accept invalid data Conformant applications SHOULD accept invalid data. CombinedObligations, SHOULD, accept-invalid
1 SHALL:accept-invalid SHALL accept invalid data Conformant applications SHALL accept invalid data. CombinedObligations, SHALL, accept-invalid
1 SHOULD:receive SHOULD be able to receive the data Conformant applications SHOULD be able to receive the data. CombinedObligations, SHOULD, receive
1 SHALL:receive SHALL be able to receive the data Conformant applications SHALL be able to receive the data. CombinedObligations, SHALL, receive
1 SHOULDNOT:error SHOULD NOT return an error to the sender of the data Conformant applications SHOULD NOT reurn an erorr to the sender of the data. CombinedObligations, SHOULDNOT, error
1 SHALLNOT:error SHALL NOT return an error to the sender of the data Conformant applications SHALL NOT reurn an erorr to the sender of the data. CombinedObligations, SHALLNOT, error
1 ForeignStandards concept codes from other standards Other standards use specific terms for optionality/usage that should be conceptualized here. CombinedObligations true
1 v2 v2 concept codes optionality/usage codes from v2 ForeignStandards true
2   v2-r v2: R required in v2.x v2, SHALL, populate minCard = 1
2   v2-re v2: RE required but may be empty in v2.x v2, SHALL, populate minCard = 0
2   v2-x v2: X forbidden in v2 v2, SHOULDNOT, populate, process
2   v2-b v2: B backwards use in v2 only v2, SHOULDNOT
2   v2-w v2: W withdrawn use in v2 only v2, SHOULDNOT, populate, process
1 v3 V3 concept codes optionality/usage codes from V3/CDA ForeignStandards true
2   v3-m v3: M mandatory in IHE V3 v3, SHALL, populate, exactly, SHALLNOT:populate:missing A value must be present and null-flavors are not allowed; to be combined with minCard = 1
2   v3-r v3: R required in IHE V3 v3, SHALL, populate, MAY:populate:missing A value must be present but it can be a null-flavors
2   v3-x v3: X forbidden in IHE V3 v3, SHALLNOT, populate
1 ihe IHE concept codes optionality/usage codes from IHE ForeignStandards true
2   ihe-r IHE: R required in IHE v2.x specs ihe
2   ihe-r2 IHE: R2 R2 in IHE v2.x specs ihe, SHALL:process, SHOULD:populate This is interpreted as the receiver has to support it, but when becoming the sender it is not really necessary to return it again
2   ihe-x IHE: X XX in IHE v2.x specs ihe forbidden?
1 xDT German xDT standards The German xDT standard family has a very specific set of codes and is just presented here for completeness and demonstration purposes ForeignStandards true all concept codes are to processed by the receiver; different requirements for sender
2   xDT-M xDT: M MUSS in xDT (unbedingtes Mussfeld) xDT, SHALL, SHALL:process, SHALL:populate minCard=1
2   xDT-m xDT: m muss in xDT (bedingtes Mussfeld) xDT, SHALL, SHALL:process, SHALL:populate depends on the value of another field
2   xDT-K xDT: K KANN in xDT (unbedingts KANNfeld) xDT, SHALL, SHALL:process, SHALL:populate
2   xDT-k xDT: k kann in xDT (bedingtes Kannfeld) xDT, SHALL, SHALL:process, SHALL:populate depends on the value of another field


Please consider that the hierarchy levels are only introduced for convenience when reading the codesystem. It can be used to identify the primary axes. In total it is in principle a poly-hierarchy that is established using the parent relationship, thereby introducing multiple parents from the different axes, each starting with level 1.

There are several topics open for discussion. Those are indicated in the comments.

Any other issues?

Examples / Explanations / Comments

Some examples may help to understand how this codesystem is to be used. In general, only values below the “green concept” in the mindmap in the introduction can be instantiated. All others are for definitional purposes.

The following table may help to understand some examples and common use cases:

Code Explanation
SHALL:populate The system SHALL be capable of providing data for the instance and populating this element accordingly.
SHOULD:send In double contrast to the previous code, the system is neither required to do something in general, nor especially to create the instance. It is asked for sending the data instance. It is common or good practice, in other words there is some incidence to implement it, but a vendor can also decide not to do so.
.:populate:. Does not denote that the created artifact has to be sent over the wire. Instead, the creation itself is indicated.
.:missing The system can use information why requested details are missing. This is aka of null-flavor or data-abstent-reason.

Combining Elements

Another outstanding question is the combination of elements like “either A or B must …”. Can this be solved with invariants? Or are other type of constructs necessary?