Obligation Discussion
0.4.1 - Working Draft to present the Concept Ideas and Background Details (FO)

Obligation Discussion - Local Development build (v0.4.1) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

ConceptMap: MapOriginalToProposed Mapping (Experimental)

Official URL: http://v2.hl7.org/fhir/ConceptMap/MapOriginalToProposed Version: 5.0.0
Draft as of 2024-04-25 Responsible: FO Realm: United States of America flag Computable Name: MapOriginalToProposed

A mapping between the FHIR obligation codes, 5.0.0, and the ones proposed here.

The purpose is just to help to understand how current codes would be used in the future

Mapping from http://hl7.org/fhir/CodeSystem/obligation|5.1.0-cibuild to Proposed Obligation Codes VS (active only)

DRAFT (not intended for production usage). Published on 2024-04-25 by FO.

A mapping between the FHIR obligation codes, 5.0.0, and the ones proposed here.

Group 1 Mapping from Obligation Codes (version 5.1.0) to Proposed Obligation Codes

Source CodeRelationshipTarget CodeComment
SHALL:able-to-populateis equivalent toSHALL:populate (SHALL populate with data)the ability to populate something has to be proven by provding the data
SHOULD:able-to-populateis related toSHOULD:populate (SHOULD populate with data)
MAY:able-to-populateis related toMAY:populate (MAY populate with data)
SHALL:populateis equivalent toSHALL:populate (SHALL populate with data)
SHOULD:populateis equivalent toSHOULD:populate (SHOULD populate with data)
SHALL:in-narrativeis equivalent toSHALL:(populate)into-narrative (SHALL populate into-narrative)specific for FHIR
SHOULD:in-narrativeis equivalent toSHOULD:(populate)into-narrative (SHOULD populate into-narrative)specific for FHIR
MAY:in-narrativeis equivalent toMAY:(populate)into-narrative (MAY populate into-narrative)specific for FHIR
SHALL:exclude-narrativeis equivalent toSHALLNOT:(populate)into-narrative (SHALL NOT populate into-narrative)specific for FHIR
SHOULD:exclude-narrativeis equivalent toSHOULDNOT:(populate)into-narrative (SHOULD NOT populate into-narrative)specific for FHIR
SHALL:user-inputis equivalent toSHALL:(populate)from-ui (SHALL populate data taken from ui)
SHOULD:user-inputis equivalent toSHOULD:(populate)from-ui (SHOULD populate with data taken from ui)
MAY:user-inputis equivalent toMAY:(populate)from-ui (MAY populate with data taken from ui)
SHALL:explainis equivalent toSHALL:document (SHALL document how the data is used)
SHOULD:explainis equivalent toSHOULD:document (SHOULD document how the data is used)
SHALL:persistis equivalent toSHALL:persist (SHALL store the data somewhere)
SHOULD:persistis equivalent toSHOULD:persist (SHOULD store the data)
MAY:persistis equivalent toMAY:persist (MAY store the data)
SHALL:no-alteris equivalent toSHALLNOT:modify (SHALL NOT modify the data)instead of duplicate (inverse) codes the negation should be used
SHOULD:no-alteris equivalent toSHOULDNOT:modify (SHOULD NOT modify the data)instead of duplicate (inverse) codes the negation should be used
MAY:alteris equivalent toMAY:modify (MAY modify the data)
SHALL:no-erroris equivalent toSHALLNOT:error (SHALL NOT return an error to the sender of the data)
SHOULD:no-erroris equivalent toSHOULDNOT:error (SHOULD NOT return an error to the sender of the data)
SHALL:reject-invalidis equivalent toSHALL:reject-invalid (SHALL reject invalid data)
SHOULD:reject-invalidis equivalent toSHOULD:reject-invalid (SHOULD reject invalid data)
SHALL:accept-invalidis equivalent toSHALL:accept-invalid (SHALL accept invalid data)
SHOULD:accept-invalidis equivalent toSHOULD:accept-invalid (SHOULD accept invalid data)
SHALL:handleis equivalent toSHALL:process (SHALL process the data)
SHOULD:handleis equivalent toSHOULD:process (SHOULD process the data)
SHALL:displayis equivalent toSHALL:display (SHALL display the data)
SHOULD:displayis equivalent toSHOULD:display (SHOULD display the data)
MAY:displayis equivalent toSHOULD:display (SHOULD display the data)
SHALL:processis equivalent toSHALL:process (SHALL process the data)what is the difference to SHALL:handle?
SHOULD:processis equivalent toSHOULD:process (SHOULD process the data)
MAY:processis related toMAY:process (MAY process the data)
SHALL:printis equivalent toSHALL:print (SHALL print data)
SHOULD:printis equivalent toSHOULD:print (SHOULD print data)
MAY:printis equivalent toMAY:print (MAY print data)
SHALL:ignoreis equivalent toSHALLNOT:process (SHALL NOT process the data)
SHOULD:ignoreis equivalent toSHOULDNOT:process (SHOULD NOT process the data)
MAY:ignoreis equivalent toMAYNOT:process (MAY NOT process data)MAYNOT normally does not make sense.
v2-reis equivalent toSHALL:process (SHALL process the data)
ihe-r2is equivalent toSHALL:process (SHALL process the data)
stdis equivalent toSHALL:process (SHALL process the data)