v2+ Vocabulary
0.2.0 - Working Draft to present the concept ideas (FO)

v2+ Vocabulary - Local Development build (v0.2.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

CodeSystem: Concept Domains for 2.3.1 (Experimental)

Official URL: http://terminology.hl7.org/v2plusvocab/CodeSystem/ConceptDomain-v2.3.1 Version: 2.3.1
Active as of 2024-01-18 Computable Name: Concept Domains for 2.3.1

List of all concept domains that are used within this HL7 v2 version to designate the semantic concepts for coded elewments.

This Code system is referenced in the content logical definition of the following value sets:

  • This CodeSystem is not used here; it may be used elsewhere (e.g. specifications and/or implementations that use this content)


This code system defines the following properties for its concepts

tableNumberstringin which table is this concept used
exampleValuestringexample value(s) for a concept domain that provides some example values
vocabTypestringtype of vocabulary behind this concept: ConceptDomain (only), ValueSet and/or CodeSystem


This code system http://terminology.hl7.org/v2plusvocab/CodeSystem/ConceptDomain-v2.3.1 defines the following codes:

AdministrativeSex Sex

The domain of possible values for a patient's sex.

V2MaritalStatus Marital status

The domain of possible values for a person's marital (civil/legal) status.

Event Event

The domain of possible values for the trigger event for Version 2.x interface messages.

PatientClass Patient class

The domain of possible values that systems to categorize patients by site in HL7 Version 2.x interfaces.

V2Race Race

The domain of possible values for the patient's race.

Religion Religion

The domain of possible values for a person's religion.

AdmissionType Admission type

The domain of possible values for the circumstances under which the patient was or will be admitted.

AcknowledgmentCode Acknowledgment Code

The domain of possible values for acknowledgment codes used in Version 2.x message. For details of usage, see message processing rules in the published Standard.

AmbulatoryStatus Ambulatory status

The domain of possible values for permanent or transient handicapped conditions of a person.

DOMAIN symbolicname for 10 missing because of missing OID Physician ID

DOMAIN for 0010 missing in HL7Objects

TransactionType Transaction Type

The domain of possible values for a type of financial transaction.

PatientType Patient Type

The domain of possible values for the patient type. No suggested values.

AnesthesiaCode Anesthesia Code

The domain of possible values for the anesthesia used during the procedure. No suggested values.

BadDebtAgencyCode Bad Debt Agency Code

The domain of possible values for the bad debt agency to which the account was transferred.

BillingStatus Billing Status

The domain of possible values for whether the particular insurance has been billed and, if so, the type of bill. No suggested values.

AdmitSource Admit source

The domain of possible values for where the patient was admitted. No suggested values.

FeeSchedule Fee Schedule

The domain of possible values for the appropriate fee schedule to be used for this transaction posting.

Priority Priority

The domain of possible values for the allowed priorities for obtaining the specimen.

Charge_PriceIndicator Charge/Price Indicator

The domain of possible values for which price schedule is to be used for room and bed charges. No suggested values.

OrderStatus Order status

The domain of possible values for the status of an order. The purpose of these values are to report the status of an order either upon request (solicited), or when the status changes (unsolicited). The values are not intended to initiate action. It is assumed that the order status value always reflects the status as it is known to the sending application at the time that a message is sent. Only the filler can originate these values.

CompanyPlanCode Company Plan Code

The domain of possible values for an insurance company plan uniquely. No suggested values.

ConditionCode Condition code

The domain of possible values for the condition code.

ContractCode Contract Code

The domain of possible values for the type of contract entered into by the healthcare facility and the guarantor for the purpose of settling outstanding account balances.

CourtesyCode Courtesy Code

The domain of possible values for whether the patient will be extended certain special courtesies.

CreditRating Credit Rating

The domain of possible values for past credit experience.

WhatSubjectFilter What subject filter

The domain of possible values which specify the kind of information that is required to satisfy a query request. The values define the type of transaction inquiry.

DepartmentCode Department Code

The domain of possible values for the department that controls a specified transaction code.

AccidentCode Accident Code

The domain of possible values for the type of accident.

DiagnosisCode Diagnosis Code

The domain of possible values for the primary diagnosis code for billing purposes.

DiagnosisType Diagnosis Type

The domain of possible values that specify a type of diagnosis being sent.

DiagnosisCodingMethod Diagnosis Coding Methed

The domain of possible values specifying a diagnosis coding method.

DiagnosisRelatedGroup Diagnostic Related Group

The domain of possible values for the diagnostic related group (DRG) for the transaction.

DrgGrouperReviewCode DRG Grouper Review Code

The domain of possible values for that the grouper results have been reviewed and approved.

ConsentCode Consent Code

The domain of possible values for the type of consent that was obtained for permission to treat the patient.

CheckDigitScheme Check Digit Scheme

The domain of possible values for the check digit scheme employed.

EventReason Event reason

The domain of possible values for the reason for an event.

Relationship Relationship

The domain of possible values for an actual personal relationship that the next of kin/associated party has to a patient.

FinancialClass Financial Class

The domain of possible values for the financial class assigned to a person.

SpecimenActionCode Specimen Action Code

The domain of possible values for actions to be taken with respect to the specimens that accompany or precede an order. The purpose of these are to further qualify (when appropriate) the general action indicated by the order control code.

EmploymentStatus Employment Status

The domain of possible values for the guarantor's employment status.

GuarantorType Guarantor Type

The domain of possible values for the type of guarantor, e.g., individual, institution, etc. No suggested values.

HospitalService Hospital Service

The domain of possible values for the treatment or type of surgery the patient is scheduled to receive.

SpecimenSource Specimen source codes

The domain of possible values which specify sources for speciments for clinical testing. These concepts are used in HL7 Version 2.x messaging in the OBR segment prior to version 2.7, and was replaced by the concepts in table 0487 Specimen Type and table 0488 Specimen Collection Method as of version 2.5 and thereafter.

InsurancePlanId Insurance Plan ID

The domain of possible values for the identifier of an insurance plan with which a transaction should be associated.

InterestRateCode Interest Rate Code

The domain of possible values for the amount of interest that will be charged the guarantor on any outstanding amounts.

DiagnosticServiceSectionId Diagnostic service section ID

The domain of possible values for a section of a diagnostic service where an observation may be performed.

MessageType Message type

The domain of possible values for message types.

InterpretationCodes Abnormal flags

The domain of possible values for a categorical assessment of an observation value. Discussion: These interpretation codes are sometimes called "abnormal flags", however, the judgment of normalcy is just one of the common rough interpretations, and is often not relevant. For example, the susceptibility interpretations are not about "normalcy", and for any observation of a pathologic condition, it does not make sense to state the normalcy, since pathologic conditions are never considered "normal."

NatureOfAbnormalTesting Nature of abnormal testing

The domain of possible values for the nature of an abnormal test.

OutlierType Outlier Type

The domain of possible values for the type of outlier (i.e. period of care beyond DRG-standard stay in facility) that has been paid.

PerformedBy Performed by

The domain of possible values for a composite number/name of a person/group that performed a test/procedure/transaction, etc.

ObservationResultStatusCodesInterpretation Observation result status codes interpretation

The domain of possible values for observation result status. These codes reflect the current completion status of the results for one Observation Identifier.

PlanId Plan Type

The domain of possible values for the coding structure that identifies the various plan types (i.e., Medicare, Medicaid, Blue Cross, HMO, etc.).

Pre-admitTestIndicator Preadmit Test Indicator

The domain of possible values for whether the patient must have pre-admission testing done in order to be admitted.

ProcedureCode Procedure Code

The domain of possible values for a unique identifier assigned to a procedure, if any, associated with a charge.

ProcedureCodingMethod Procedure Coding Method

The domain of possible values that specify the methodology used to assign a code to a procedure (CPT4, for example). Used for backwards-compatibility purposes.

V2QueryPriority Query priority

The domain of possible values for a time frame in which a querry response is expected.

Re-admissionIndicator Re-admission Indicator

The domain of possible values which are used to specify that a patient is being re-admitted to a healthcare facility from which they were discharged, and indicates the circumstances around such re-admission.

ReleaseInformation Release information

The domain of possible values for whether the healthcare provider can release information about a patient and what information can be released.

TypeOfAgreement Type of agreement

The domain of possible values for codes to further identify an insurance plan.

0098M=Maternity, S=Standard, U=UnifiedConceptDomain
VipIndicator VIP Indicator

The domain of possible values for a type of VIP.

InvocationEvent When to charge

The domain of possible values for codes for an event precipitating/triggering a charge activity.

DelayedAcknowledgmentType Delayed acknowledgment type

The domain of possible values which specify a response type used in deferred processing two phase reply for delayed acknowldgement mode of the original acknowledgement mechanism defined in HL7 Version 2.x messaging.

ProcessingId Processing ID

The domain of possible values for whether the message is part of a production, training or debugging system.

VersionId Version ID

The domain of possible values which are used to identify an HL7 version in the Version 2.x family of published standards.

SourceOfComment Source of comment

The domain of possible values which are used to specify the source of a comment.

Query_ResponseFormatCode Query/response format code

The domain of possible values which specify which of several types of formats for data to be returned in response to a query.

DeferredResponseType Deferred response type

The domain of possible values which specify which type of deferred query resonse is desired, as specified with the query parameters.

QueryResultsLevel Query results level

The domain of possible values which are used to control level of detail in query results.

ReportPriority Report priority

The domain of possible values which specify the priority associated with a report or update run using a query.

TransferToBadDebtCode Transfer to Bad Debt Code

The domain of possible values for that the account was transferred to bad debts and gives the reason. No suggested values.

DeleteAccountCode Delete Account Code

The domain of possible values for that the account was deleted from the file and gives the reason. No suggested values.

DischargeDisposition Discharge disposition

The domain of possible values for the disposition of the patient at time of discharge (i.e., discharged to home, expired, etc.). No suggested values. In the US, this field should use the Official Uniform Billing (UB) 04 2008 numeric codes found on form locator 17.

DischargedToLocation Discharged to Location

The domain of possible values for the healthcare facility to which the patient was discharged. No suggested values.

DietType Diet Type

The domain of possible values for a special diet type for a patient. No suggested values.

ServicingFacilities Servicing Facility

The domain of possible values for the healthcare facility with which this visit is associated in a multiple facility environment. No suggested values.

BedStatus Bed status

The domain of possible values for the state of a bed in an inpatient setting, and is used to determine if a patient may be assigned to it or not.

AccountStatus Account Status

The domain of possible values for the account status. No suggested values.

MajorDiagnosticCategory Major Diagnostic Category

The domain of possible values for the major diagnostic category. No suggested values.

OrderControlCodes Order control codes

The domain of possible values which are used to determine the function of the order segment. Depending on the message, the action specified by one of these control codes may refer to an order or an individual service.

ResponseFlag Response flag

The domain of possible values allowing the placer (sending) application to determine the amount of information to be returned from the filler.

ChargeType Charge type

The domain of possible values for someone or something other than the patient to be billed for a service.

ResultStatus Result status

The domain of possible values for a status of results for an order.

TransportationMode Transportation mode

The domain of possible values for how (or whether) to transport a patient, when applicable, for an ordered service.

ValueType Value type

The domain of possible values for the format of the observation value in the Observation Result (OBX).

QuantityLimitedRequest Quantity limited request

The domain of possible values for the maximum length of a query response that can be accepted by a requesting system, and are expressed as units of mesaure of query response objects.

AllergenType Allergy type

The domain of possible values fora classification of general allergy categories (drug, food, pollen, etc.).

AllergySeverity Allergy severity

The domain of possible values for the general severity of an allergy.

AccommodationCode Accommodation Code

The domain of possible values for the fiancial accommodation type of the bed or room which implies the rate to be used when occupied by a patient under specific medical conditions, which determines how it is billed. No suggested values.

VisitUserCode Visit User Code

The domain of possible values for categories of a patient's visit with respect to an individual institution's needs, and is expected to be different on a site-specific basis.

ContactRole Contact Role

The domain of possible values for a relationship role that the next of kin/associated parties plays with regard to a patient. Also used in referrals, for example, it may be necessary to identify the contact representative at the clinic that issued a referral.

TransactionCode Transaction Code

The domain of possible values that are used by an institution for the purpose of uniquely identifying a transaction based on the Transaction Type. For example, procedure, supply item, or test for charges; or to identify the payment medium for payments.

ProcedurePractitionerIdentifierCodeType Procedure practitioner identifier code type

The domain of possible values of concepts which specify the different types of practitioners associated with this procedure.

AssignmentOfBenefits Assignment of benefits

The domain of possible values which indicate whether an insured person agreed to assign the insurance benefits to a healthcare provider. If so, the insurance will pay the provider directly.

Yes_noIndicator Yes/no indicator

The domain of possible values for either Yes or No used in fields containing binary answers generally user-specified.

MailClaimParty Mail claim party

The domain of possible values for a party to which a claim should be mailed when claims are sent by mail.

EmployerInformationData Employer Information Data

The domain of possible values for the required employer information data for UB82 form locator 71. No suggested values.

MilitaryService Military service

The domain of possible values for the military branch. This field is defined by CMS or other regulatory agencies.

MilitaryRank_grade Military rank/grade

The domain of possible values for the military rank/grade of the patient. Australia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Defence_Force_ranks Canada: http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/honours-history-badges-insignia/rank.page United States: published in the Defense Travel Administrator's Manual, Appendix M: Military Rank/Civilian Pay Grade Abbreviations and Service Agency Names, http://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/Docs/Training/DTA_App_M.pdf

MilitaryStatus Military status

The domain of possible values for the military status of the patient. This field is defined by CMS or other regulatory agencies.

Non-coveredInsuranceCode Non-covered Insurance Code

The domain of possible values for the reason a service is not covered. No suggested values.

EligibilitySource Eligibility source

The domain of possible values for the source of information about the insured's eligibility for benefits.

RoomType Room type

The domain of possible values for the room type.

AmountType Amount type

The domain of possible values for amount quantity type.

PolicyType Policy type

The domain of possible values for the policy type.

MoneyOrPercentageIndicator Penalty type

The domain of possible values for whether the amount is currency or a percentage.

DayType Day type

The domain of possible values for whether the days are denied, pending or approved.

CertificationPatientType Pre-certification patient type

The domain of possible values for the category or type of patient for which this certification is requested.

SecondOpinionStatus Second Opinion Status

The domain of possible values for the status of the second opinion. No suggested values.

SecondOpinionDocumentationReceived Second Opinion Documentation Received

The domain of possible values for if accompanying documentation has been received by the provider. No suggested values.

ValueCode Value code

The domain of possible values for the National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC) code. In the US, the codes defined in code system 2.16.840.1.113883.6.301.6 nubc-ValueCode-cs are often used.

AcknowledgmentConditions Accept/application acknowledgment conditions

The domain of possible values which identify conditions under which accept acknowledgments are required to be returned in response to a message, and required for enhanced acknowledgment mode.

WhichDate_TimeQualifier Which date/time qualifier

The domain of possible values that specify the type of date referred to in the other date fields in the QRF segment.

WhichDate_TimeStatusQualifier Which date/time status qualifier

The domain of possible values that specify the status type of objects selected in date range defined by QRF-2 and QRF-3.

Date_TimeSelectionQualifier Date/time selection qualifier

The domain of possible values that allow the specification of certain types of values within the date/time range.

DietCodeSpecificationType Diet code specification type

The domain of possible values for the type of diet.

TrayType Tray type

The domain of possible values for the type of dietary tray.

AllowSubstitution Allow substitution

The domain of possible values for whether substitutions are allowed and, if so, the type of substitutions allowed.

V2RouteOfAdministration Route of administration

The domain of possible values for the route of administration.

BodySite Administrative site

The domain of possible values that specify a body site from which a specimen is obtained.

AdministrationDevice Administration device

The domain of possible values for the mechanical device used to aid in the administration of the drug or other treatment. Common examples are IV-sets of different types.

AdministrationMethod Administration method

The domain of possible values for the specific method requested for the administration of the drug or treatment to the patient.

RxComponentType RX component type

The domain of possible values for the RX component type.

SubstitutionStatus Substitution status

The domain of possible values for the substitution status.

ProcessingPriority Processing priority

The domain of possible values for one or more available priorities for performing the observation or test.

ReportingPriority Reporting priority

The domain of possible values for the available priorities reporting the test results when the user is asked to specify the reporting priority independent of the processing priority.

DerivedSpecimen Derived specimen

The domain of possible values for the parents and children for diagnostic studies, especially in microbiology, where the initial specimen (e.g., blood) is processed to produce results (e.g., the identity of the bacteria grown out of the culture). The process also produces new "specimens" (e.g., pure culture of staphylococcus, and E. coli), and these are studied by a second order process (bacterial sensitivities). The parents (e.g., blood culture) and children (e.g., penicillin MIC) are identified in such cases.

Citizenship Citizenship

The domain of possible values for the information related to a person's country citizenship. No suggested values.

VeteransMilitaryStatus Veterans Military Status

The domain of possible values for the military status assigned to a veteran. No suggested values.

CoordinationOfBenefits Coordination of benefits

The domain of possible values for whether this insurance works in conjunction with other insurance plans or if it provides independent coverage and payment of benefits regardless of other insurance that might be available to the patient.

NatureOfService_Test_Observation Nature of test/observation

The domain of possible values for an identification of a test battery, an entire functional procedure or study, a single test value (observation), multiple test batteries or functional procedures as an orderable unit (profile), or a single test value (observation) calculated from other independent observations, typically used as an indicator for Master Files.

MasterFileIdentifierCode Master file identifier code

The domain of possible values which are represented by codes identifying HL7 Versions 2.x Master Files.

ConfidentialityCode Confidentiality code

The domain of possible values for the degree to which special confidentiality protection should be applied to the observation.

FileLevelEventCode File level event code

The domain of possible values for file-level events for master files.

V2ResponseLevel Response level

The domain of possible values for application response levels defined for a given Master File Message at the MFE segment level, and used for MFN-Master File Notification message.

Masterfile_Action_Code Record-level event code

The domain of possible values for a record-level event for a master file record.

MfnRecord-levelErrorReturn MFN record-level error return

The domain of possible values for the status of the requested update. Site-defined table, specific to each master file being updated via this transaction.

StaffType Staff Type

The domain of possible values for the staff person's sex. No suggested values.

Active_Inactive Active/inactive

The domain of possible values for whether a person is currently a valid staff member.

Department Department

The domain of possible values for the institution department to which this person reports or belongs. No suggested values.

PreferredMethodOfContact Preferred method of contact

The domain of possible values for which of a group of multiple phone numbers is the preferred method of contact for this person.

PractitionerCategory Practioner Category

The domain of possible values for the category of practitioner. No suggested values.

ProviderBilling Provider billing

The domain of possible values for how provider services are billed.

DOMAIN symbolicname for 188 missing because of missing OID Operator ID

DOMAIN for 0188 missing in HL7Objects

EthnicGroup Ethnic Group

The domain of possible values further defining a patient's ancestry. In the US, a current use is to use these codes to report ethnicity in line with US federal standards for Hispanic origin.

AddressType Address type

The domain of possible values for types or kinds of addresses.

TypeOfReferencedData Type of referenced data

The domain of possible values declaring the general type of media data that is encoded.

AmountClass Amount class

The domain of possible values for the amount quantity class.

NameType Name type

The domain of possible values for types of names for persons.

TelecommunicationUseCode Telecommunication use code

The domain of possible values for specifying a specific use of a telecommunication number. Best practice is to use this concept whenever a telecommunication number or access string is specified.

TelecommunicationEquipmentType Telecommunication equipment type

The domain of possible values for specifying a type of telecommunication equipment. Best practice is to use this concept whenever a telecommunication number or access string for particular equipment is specified.

IdentifierType Identifier type

The domain of possible values for the type of identifier.

OrganizationalNameType Organizational name type

The domain of possible values that specify the type of name for an organization i.e., legal name, display name.

PriceType Price type

The domain of possible values to identify the intent for the dollar amount on a pricing transaction.

SegmentActionCode Segment action code

The domain of possible values for actions to be applied for segments when an HL7 version 2 interface is operating in "action code mode" (a kind of update mode in the Standard).

V2ProcessingMode Processing mode

The domain of possible values that indicate an archival process or an initial load process.

QueryResponseStatus Query response status

The domain of possible values defining precise response status concepts in support of HL7 Version 2 query messaging. It is commonly used to indicate no data is found that matches the query parameters, but no error.

V2RelationalOperator Relational Operator

The domain of possible values to define the relationship between HL7 segment field names identified in a query construct.

RelationalConjunction Relational Conjunction

The domain of possible values used with relational operator values to group more than one segment field name.

AlternateCharacterSets Alternate character sets

The domain of possible values that identify one of a number of possible standard alternate character sets for a message, either single-byte or double-byte.

Nationality Nationality

The domain of possible values that identify the nation or national grouping to which the person belongs. This information may be different from a person’s citizenship in countries in which multiple nationalities are recognized (for example, Spain: Basque, Catalan, etc.).

PurgeStatusCode Purge status

The domain of possible values that define the state of a visit relative to its place in a purge workflow.

SpecialProgramCode Special Program Codes

The domain of possible values that record a health insurance program required for healthcare visit reimbursement.

PublicityCode Publicity Code

The domain of possible values for a level of publicity of information about a patient for a specific visit.

PatientStatusCode Patient Status Code

The domain of possible values that define the state of a care episode for a patient.

VisitPriorityCode Visit Priority Code

The domain of possible values that define a relative level of urgency applied to a patient visit.

PatientChargeAdjustment Patient Charge Adjustment Code

The domain of possible values that indicate which adjustments should be made to a guarantor’s charges. For example, when a hospital agrees to adjust a guarantor’s charges to a sliding scale. No suggested values.

RecurringServiceCode Recurring Service Code

The domain of possible values that indicate whether a treatment is continuous. No suggested values.

V2LivingArrangement Living arrangement

The domain of possible values characterizing the situation that patient-associated parties live in at their residential address.

ContactReason Contact Reason

The domain of possible values that indicate a reason for contacting a guarantor, for example, to phone a guarantor if payments are late. No suggested values.

LivingDependency Living dependency

The domain of possible values identifying specific living conditions (e.g., spouse dependent on patient, walk-up) that are relevant to an evaluation of the patient's healthcare needs.

TransportArranged Transport arranged

The domain of possible values defining whether patient transportation preparations are in place.

EscortRequired Escort required

The domain of possible values indicating whether a patient must be accompanied while travelling to a diagnostic service department.

ManufacturersOfVaccines Manufacturers of vaccines (code=MVX)

The domain of possible values for the organization that manufactures a vaccine. The values are maintained by the US Centers of Disease Control. Note that the source of truth for these code values are maintained by the CDC, and the code system may be accessed at URL: https://phinvads.cdc.gov/vads/SearchCodeSystems_search.action?searchOptions.searchText=PH_ManufacturersOfVaccinesMVX_CDC_NIP. The value set is also maintained by the CDC, and may be accessed at URL: https://phinvads.cdc.gov/vads/SearchValueSets_search.action?searchOptions.searchText=PHVS_ManufacturersOfVaccinesMVX_CDC_NIP

DiagnosisClassification Diagnosis classification

The domain of possible values that classify whether a patient visit can be related to a diagnosis.

DrgPayor DRG payor

The domain of possible values that identify a Diagnostic Resource Group Payor. US Realm. No suggested values.

ProcedureFunctionalType Procedure functional type

The domain of possible values that classify a procedure.

StudentStatus Student status

The domain of possible values that designate whether a guarantor is a full or part time student.

InsuranceCompanyContactReason Insurance company contact reason

The domain of possible values that describe why an insurance company has been contacted.

023201=Medicare claim status, 02=Medicaid claim status, 03=Name/address changeConceptDomain
Non-concurCode_Description Non-concur Code/Description

The domain of possible values that specify a non-concur code and description for a denied request, used in insurance claims processing. No suggested values.

ReportTiming Report timing

The domain of possible values to identify the time span of a report or the reason for a report sent to a regulatory agency.

ReportSource Report source

The domain of possible values to identify where a report sender learned about an event.

EventReportedTo Event reported to

The domain of possible values to identify the type of entity to which the event has been reported.

EventQualification Event qualification

The domain of possible values to qualify an event related to a product experience.

EventSeriousness Event seriousness

The domain of possible values to a sender to designate an event as serious or significant.

EventExpected Event expected

The domain of possible values to communicate whether an event has been judged to be expected or unexpected.

EventConsequence Event consequence

The domain of possible values to describe the impact of an event on a patient.

PatientOutcome Patient outcome

The domain of possible values to describe the overall state of a patient as a result of patient care.

PrimaryObserversQualification Primary observer’s qualification

The domain of possible values to provide a general description of the kind of health care professional who provided the primary observation.

IdentityMayBeDivulged Identity may be divulged

The domain of possible values to define whether the primary observer has given permission for their identification information to be provided to a product manufacturer.

SingleUseDevice Single Use Device

The domain of possible values that indicate whether a product is designed for a single use. No suggested values.

ProductProblem Product Problem

The domain of possible values that indicate if a product problem would exist if a product malfunction could lead to death or serious injury.

ProductAvailableForInspection Product Available For Inspection

The domain of possible values that indicate that the product is available for analysis. No suggested values.

StatusOfEvaluation Status of evaluation

The domain of possible values that describes the status of product evaluation.

ProductSource Product source

The domain of possible values to describe the evaluation state of a product identified in an incident.

GenericProduct Generic Product

The domain of possible values that indicate whether the product used is a generic or a branded product. No suggested values.

RelatednessAssessment Relatedness assessment

The domain of possible values to provide an estimate of whether an issue with a product was the cause of an event.

ActionTakenInResponseToTheEvent Action taken in response to the event

The domain of possible values to define the action taken as a result of an event related to a product issue.

CausalityObservations Causality observations

The domain of possible values to record event observations regarding what may have caused a product related event.

IndirectExposureMechanism Indirect exposure mechanism

The domain of possible values to identify the mechanism of product transmission when the product has not been directly applied to the patient.

KindOfQuantity Kind of quantity

The domain of possible values that describe the underlying kind of property represented by an observation. The categories distinguish concentrations from total amounts, molar concentrations from mass concentrations, partial pressures from colors, and so forth. These are discussed more fully in the LOINC Users' Manual. They are derived from the approach described in 1995 edition of the IUPAC Silver Book. These distinctions are used in IUPAC and LOINC standard codes. The distinctions of true quantities in this table are based primarily on dimensional analyses. The table contains a number of "families," those related to simple counts (number, number concentration, etc.), to mass (mass, mass concentration, etc.), to enzyme activity (catalytic content, catalytic concentration, etc.), and molar or equivalents (substance content, substance concentration).

DurationCategories Duration categories

The domain of possible values that classify an observation definition as intended to measure a patient's state at a point in time.

TimeDelayPostChallenge Time delay post challenge

The domain of possible values to classify an observation definition as being a component of a challenge test.

NatureOfChallenge Nature of challenge

The domain of possible values to further describe an observation definition that is characterized as a challenge observation.

RelationshipModifier Relationship modifier

The domain of possible values to an observation definition to describe the subject of an observation in relation to a patient.

Modality Modality

The domain of possible values that define the imaging apparatus expected to be used to acquire an observation. This table has been removed from the standard as of 2.7 in favor of table 0910.

PatientLocationType Patient location type

The domain of possible values that identify the kind of location described in the location definition.

LocationEquipment Location equipment

The domain of possible values that identify the equipment available in a location definition identified as a room or bed.

PrivacyLevel Privacy level

The domain of possible values that identify the level of privacy a patient will be afforded when assigned to this location definition.

LevelOfCare Level of care

The domain of possible values that identify the level of care a patient may be afforded when assigned to this location definition.

LocationDepartment Location Department

The domain of possible values used to specify the institution’s department to which a location belongs, or its cost center.

SpecialtyType Specialty Type

The domain of possible values that identify the specialty of the care professional who is supported when using this location definition.

DaysOfTheWeek Days of the Week

The domain of possible values to identify the day(s) of the week when a location may be scheduled for appointments.

Override Override

The domain of possible values that define whether a Charge Description Master description may be overridden or if it must be overridden.

ChargeOnIndicator Charge on indicator

The domain of possible values that define the event upon which a charge should be generated.

V2DocumentType Document type

The domain of possible values that identify the kind of patient document.

DocumentCompletionStatus Document completion status

The domain of possible values to record the state of a document in a workflow.

DocumentConfidentialityStatus Document confidentiality status

The domain of possible values that specify the degree to which special confidentiality protection should be applied to information. The assignment of data elements to these categories is left to the discretion of the healthcare organization.

DocumentAvailabilityStatus Document availability status

The domain of possible values to define whether a patient document is appropriate or available for use in patient care.

DocumentStorageStatus Document storage status

The domain of possible values to describe the availability of a document in relation to the type of storage.

AppointmentReasonCodes Appointment reason codes

The domain of possible values that describe the kind of appointment or the reason why an appointment has been scheduled.

AppointmentTypeCodes Appointment type codes

The domain of possible values that an appointment request to describe the kind of appointment.

FillerStatusCodes Filler status codes

The domain of possible values that describe an appointment status from the perspective of the entity assigned to fulfill the appointment.

AllowSubstitutionCodes Allow substitution codes

The domain of possible values that indicate whether the appointment resource may be substituted for another by the entity assigned to fulfill the appointment.

ReferralPriority Referral priority

The domain of possible values that designate the urgency of a referral.

ReferralType Referral type

The domain of possible values that identify the general category of healthcare professional desired to satisfy a referral.

ReferralDisposition Referral disposition

The domain of possible values that identify the expected response from the healthcare professional receiving a referral.

ReferralStatus Referral Status

The domain of possible values that define the state of a referral.

ReferralCategory Referral category

The domain of possible values that describe the patient care setting where a referral should take place.

InsuranceCompanyIdCodes Insurance company ID codes

The domain of possible values for the identification of the insurance company or other entity that administers the authorizing coverage plan. No suggested values.

ReferralProviderRole Provider role

The domain of possible values that define the relationship between a referral recipient and a patient or between a referral initiator and a patient.

Problem_GoalActionCode Problem/Goal Action code

The domain of possible values to Patient Care for the intent of a problem or goal.

CensusTract Census Tract

The domain of possible values for the census tract in which the specified address resides. No suggested values.

County_Parish County Code

The domain of possible values for the county or parish in which the specified address resides. No suggested values.

EncodingCharacters MIME base64 encoding characters

The domain of possible values that are used for base64 MIME encoding. Base64 is defined as follows (adapted from MIME Internet standard RFC 1521).

SubtypeOfReferencedData Subtype of Referenced Data

The domain of possible values for a subset of the media subtypes of binary data that are encoded in an ascii structure or stream.

VaccinesAdministered Vaccines administered

The domain of possible values for the administered vaccines. The values are maintained by the US Centers of Disease Control.. The code system is maintained by the CDC, and may be found at URL; https://phinvads.cdc.gov/vads/ViewCodeSystem.action?id=2.16.840.1.113883.12.292 The value set is maintained by the CDC and may be found at URL: https://phinvads.cdc.gov/vads/ViewValueSet.action?id=ABDEE003-77C3-48E7-B941-EBF92B6B81FC

BillingCategory Billing Category

The domain of possible values for the billing category codes for any classification systems needed, for example, general ledger codes and UB92 categories. No suggested values.

TimeSelectionCriteriaParameterClassCodes Time Selection Criteria Parameter Class Codes

The domain of possible values that describe acceptable start and end times, as well as days of the week, for appointment or resource scheduling.

Handicap Handicap

The domain of possible values for an associated party's disability. No suggested values.

PrimaryLanguage Primary Language

The domain of possible values for the patient's primary language. No suggested values.

CnIdSource CN ID source

The domain of possible values for the CN identification source. No suggested values.

CpRangeType CP Range Type

The domain of possible values that specify whether a composite price range is experssed as a flat rate or a percentage.

Encoding Encoding

The domain of possible values identifying the type of encoding used to represent successive octets of binary data as displayable ASCII characters. These are defined by IETF; more information may be found at https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1521.txt

NamespaceId Namespace ID

The domain of possible values for the unique name of the system that stores the data. It was previously named the Application ID. No suggested values.

UniversalIdType Universal ID type

The domain of possible values for the type of UID (Universal Identifier).

PointOfCare Point Of Care

The domain of possible values for the point where patient care is administered. It is conditional on Person Location Type (e.g., nursing unit or department or clinic). No suggested values.

Room Room

The domain of possible values for the patient's room. No suggested values.

Bed Bed

The domain of possible values for the patient's bed. No suggested values.

PersonLocationType Person Location Type

The domain of possible values for the categorization of the person's location.

LocationStatus Location Status

The domain of possible values for the status or availability of the location, such as the bed status. No suggested values.

Building Building

The domain of possible values for the building where the person is located. No suggested values.

Floor Floor

The domain of possible values for the floor where the person is located. No suggested values.

CoverageType Coverage Type

The domain of possible values for the type of insurance coverage or what types of services are covered for the purposes of a billing system. For example, a physician billing system will only want to receive insurance information for plans that cover physician/professional charges.

JobStatus Job Status

The domain of possible values for a next of kin/associated party's job status.

PolicyScope Policy Scope

The domain of possible values for the extent of insurance coverage for a participating member (e.g., single, family, etc.). No suggested values.

PolicySource Policy Source

The domain of possible values for how an insurance policy is established. No suggested values.

LivingWillCode Living will

The domain of possible values for whether or not the patient has a living will and, if so, whether a copy fo the living will is on file at the healthcare facility. If the patient does not have a living will, the value of this field indicates whether the patient was provided information on living wills.

OrganDonorCode Organ donor

The domain of possible values for whether the patient wants to donate his/her organs and whether an organ donor card or similar documentation is on file with the healthcare organization.

Annotations Annotations

The domain of possible values for the coded entry associated with a given point in time during the waveform recording. Note codes beyond 9903 may exist; extensions to this table may be done by incrementing the code value.

DepartmentCostCenter Department Cost Center

The domain of possible values for the accounting code that identifies the department in order to charge for the item. No suggested values.

ItemNaturalAccountCode Item Natural Account Code

The domain of possible values identifying an item in order to charge for the item. No suggested values.

DispenseMethod Dispense method

The domain of possible values for the method by which treatment is dispensed.

CompletionStatus Completion status

The domain of possible values for the status of the treatment administration event.

ActionCode Action code

The domain of possible values that are used to specify a record operation.

LocationCharacteristicId Location characteristic ID

The domain of possible values for an identifier code to show which characteristic is being communicated with the segment.

LocationRelationshipId Location relationship ID

The domain of possible values for an identifier code to show which relationship is being communicated with the segment.

VisitIndicator Visit indicator

The domain of possible values for the level on which data are being sent. It is the indicator used to send data at two levels, visit and account. HL7 recommends sending an "A" or no value when the data in the message are at the account level or "V" to indicate that the data sent in the message are at the visit level.

JobCode Job Code/Class

The domain of possible values that specify a person's job code. No suggested values.

EmployeeClassification Employee Classification

The domain of possible values that specify a person's employee classification. No suggested values.

QuantityMethod Quantity method

The domain of possible values to specify the method by which the quantity distributed is measured.

MarketingBasis Marketing basis

The domain of possible values to specify the basis for marketing approval.

FacilityType Facility type

The domain of possible values to specify the type of facility.

SourceType Network source type

The domain of possible values to indicate (in certain systems) whether a lower level source identifier is an initiate or accept type.

DriversLicenseIssuingAuthority Driver’s license issuing authority

The domain of possible values for the driver's license issuing authority. No suggested values.

DisabledPersonCode Disabled person

The domain of possible values that specify to which person the disability information relates in the message. For example, if the value is PT, the disability information relates to the patient.

RepeatPattern Repeat Pattern

The domain of possible values that specify the interval between repeated services. See the Comment/Usage Note in the table below, as the table contains both precoordinated codes that may be used in an HL7 field or component and also explanatory patterns illustrating the syntax used to construct expressions using the codes and other modifiers.

ReferralReason Referral reason

The domain of possible values that specify the reason for which the referral will take place.

CertificationStatus Certification Status

The domain of possible values to specify the status of the practitioner's speciality certification.

PractitionerIdNumberType Practitioner ID number type

The domain of possible values for the type of number used for the practitioner identification.

AdvancedBeneficiaryNoticeCode Advanced Beneficiary Notice Code

The domain of possible values for the status of the patient's or the patient's representative's consent for responsibility to pay for potentially uninsured services. This element was introduced to satisfy CMS Medical Necessity requirements for outpatient services in the United States. Includes concepts such as (a) whether the associated diagnosis codes for the service are subject to medical necessity procedures, (b) whether, for this type of service, the patient has been informed that they may be responsible for payment for the service, and (c) whether the patient agrees to be billed for this service.

ProcedureCodeModifier Procedure Code Modifier

The domain of possible values that specify a procedure code modifier to a procedure code. Procedure code modifiers are defined by regulatory agencies such as CMS and the AMA. Multiple modifiers may be reported. The modifiers are sequenced in priority according to user entry. This is a requirement of the UB and the 1500 claim forms. Multiple modifiers are allowed and the order placed on the form affects reimbursement.

GuarantorCreditRatingCode Guarantor Credit Rating Code

The domain of possible values that specify a guarantor's credit rating. No suggested values.

MilitaryRecipient Military recipient

The domain of possible values that specify a designation as a military recipient. This field is defined by CMS or other regulatory agencies. No suggested values.

MilitaryHandicappedProgramCode Military Handicapped Program code

The domain of possible values that specify a military program for the handicapped in which a patient is enrolled. No suggested values.

Patient_sRelationshipToInsured Patient’s relationship to insured

The domain of possible values that specify the relationship of the patient to the insured, as defined by CMS or other regulatory agencies.

AppealReason Appeal Reason

The domain of possible values that specify reasons an appeal was made on a non-concur for certification. No suggested values.

CertificationAgency Certification Agency

The domain of possible values that specify a certification agency. No suggested values.

CountrySubdivision Auto Accident State

The domain of possible values for the names of the principal country subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states). The values in the table are country specific. For example, in the US, the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) alpha codes may be used by local agreement.

SpecialProgramIndicator Special Program Indicator

The domain of possible values that specify a special program.

PSRO_URApprovalIndicator PSRO/UR approval indicator

The domain of possible values that specify PSRO/UR approval indicators.

OccurrenceCode Occurrence code

The domain of possible values that specify the event or occurrence relating to a bill that may affect payer processing.

OccurrenceSpan Occurrence span

The domain of possible values that identify an event that relates to the payment of a claim.

CweStatuses CWE statuses

The domain of possible values that represent an exception identifier code; that is, a code that is not defined in the value set (either model or site-extended). These are occationsally referred to a 'flavors of null' although this set of concepts is specific to the CWE datatype used in Version 2 messaging, and the codes may be used in the 'identifier' component of the 'triplets' in that datatype.

MessageStructure Message Structure

The domain of possible values of abstract message structure codes. Each code identifies a specific message structure abstract syntax as published in the HL7 Version 2 standard.

PrimaryKeyValueType Primary key value type

The domain of possible values to specify the type for the master file record identifier.

AlternateCharacterSetHandlingScheme Alternate character set handling scheme

The domain of possible values that specify the scheme used when any alternative character sets are specified in the second or later iterations of MSH-18 Character Set, and if any special handling scheme is needed.

MessageErrorConditionCodes Message error condition codes

The domain of possible values for the HL7 (communications) error code.

PractitionerGroup Practitioner Group

The domain of possible values for the name and/or code of a group of practitioners to which this practitioner belongs. No suggested values.

DiagnosisPriority Diagnosis priority

The domain of possible values that identify the significance or priority of the diagnosis code. Note that the codes are numeric, and the number of the code represents the ordinal priority of the associated diagnosis. The predefined codes are the most common, and just a starter set, as the codes are an unbounded list; additional ranked procedures may be signified by incrementing the code value as needed.

Degree_License_Certificate Degree

The domain of possible values for an educational degree (e.g., MD). Used in the CNN datatype (names and identifiers of clinicians) in Version 2 messaging.

Application Sending/receiving application

The domain of possible values that identify a sending application among all other applications within the network enterprise. The network enterprise consists of all those applications that participate in the exchange of HL7 messages within the enterprise. No suggested values.

Facility Sending/receiving facility

The domain of possible values for the site-specific name for the facility used by this application. No suggested values.

AssigningAuthority Assigning Authority

The domain of possible values for a unique name of the system (or organization or agency or department) that creates the data. No suggested values.

CommentType Comment type

The domain of possible values that identify the type of comment text being sent in the specific comment record.

ApplicationChangeType Application change type

The domain of possible values that specify a type of change being requested (if NMR query) or announced (if NMD unsolicited update).

0409M=Migrates to different CPU, SD=Shut down, SU=Start upConceptDomain
Name_AddressRepresentation Name/address representation

The domain of possible values that provide an indication of the kind of representation provided by a name or address, but does not necessarily specify the character sets used for the data. It is used to provides hints for a receiver, so it can make choices regarding what it has been sent and what it is capable of displaying.
