v2+ Vocabulary
0.2.0 - Working Draft to present the concept ideas (FO)

v2+ Vocabulary - Local Development build (v0.2.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions


General Remarks

This page provides an overview about properties to codesystems in general, or aa a whole, and to individual codes.

General Properties of Codesystem

The codes are equipped with properties:

Code Type Description Cardinality
tableNumber string what is the table where this concept is used [1..1]
exampleValue string example value(s) for a concept domain that provides some example values [0..*]
vocabType string type of vocabulary behind this concept (see table below) [0..1]
  string v2 version created  
  string version history (not yet generated/populated)  

Properties to codesystems must be added as extensions because the CodeSystem resource does not provide a means for general properties beside specific extensions.

General Properties to Codes

Code Type Description Cardinality
  string HL7 version introduced  
  string HL7 version deprecated  
  string comment  
  string usage  
  stirng date modified  

vocabType property

The property vocabType has the following meaning:

Value Meaning
ConceptDomain only a vocabulary domain without a value set or codeystem
ValueSet constructs a set of values from a foreign or v2 codesystem
Classification codesytem with codes for other or unknown
Terminology codesystem that represent a terminology (no ‘other’ or ‘unknown’)
Ontology ontology
Ruleset set of rules to construct values

Specific Properties to Codes

Some tables, i.e. codesystems require specific properties to codes. They are listed here:

Table Property Type Description applied to version(s)
2 livingTogether boolean indicator whether someone is living together with another person  
2 married boolean indicator whether someone is legally married with another person  
3 msgtype code type of message  
3 msgstruct code type of message structure  
6 parent code parent concept 2.4, 2.6, 2.9.1
8 ackType code acknowledgement type 2.2, 2.9.1
8 ackValue code acknowledgement value 2.2, 2.9.1
76 chapter string chapter in the documentation to which this vocabulary belongs  
76 event code event code using this type  
119 application code    
203 class code    
271 nextStatus code what is the next status in a workflow?  
354 event code what is the event using this message structure? >2.3
354 trigger boolean is this message structure used as a trigger, i.e. not a response message >2.3
396 category code    
396 country code applicable in a specific country only  
436 parent code parent concept