v2+ Vocabulary
0.2.0 - Working Draft to present the concept ideas (FO)

v2+ Vocabulary - Local Development build (v0.2.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions

Content Changes

This is the summary of changes to v2 vocabulary on a high level.

Adjustments to Tables

  • parent-child relationship to represent hierarchies, property parent
    • 0006: religion
    • 0436: Sensitivity to Causative Agent Code
  • converting details from comments and usage information into specific properties:
    • 0003: event - msgtype (not complete)
    • 0076: message tyüe - chapter
    • 0119: application
    • 0203: class
    • 0396: coding system - category
    • 0396: coding system - country
  • adding dropped values back in order to get proper versioning:
    • 0003: event
    • 0211: alternate character set
  • deprecating existing values
    • 0399, v2.4: referencing ISO as a foreign value set
  • to be treated as classifications due to “other” and removed values
    • 0070

Other Corrections

  • 0006: religion
    • QUA: duplicate concept for “FRQ = Christan: Friends” -> deprecate to simplify versioning
  • 0227: manufacturers
    • imported table -> value set only?

Ignore found Errors

The algorithm identifies problems that must be ignored:

  • 0294: Time Selection Criteria Parameter Class Codes
    • upper/lower case characters -> codesystem has to be declared as case-ionsensitive