v2+ Vocabulary
0.2.0 - Working Draft to present the concept ideas (FO)

v2+ Vocabulary - Local Development build (v0.2.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions


The database needs updated information. The details are not sufficient to properly convert into vocabulary concepts. This page collects some details about improvements and changes as far as the are known or identified so far.

General Remarks

Performing the analysis several issues could be noted:

  • Some tables are named as ‘ID’, and they also refer to identifer. They seem to be added as an error and should be removed.
  • ‘type’ tables: it should be checked whether they really refer to a type!?
  • ‘code’ tables: this is duplicate because all tables should contain codes -> remove abbreviation from name

Tables for Identifiers

Tables should contain coded information. Therefore, the following tables are erroneously added and refer to identifiers instead of coded information.

  • 0010: Physician ID: is assigned to PV1-7/8 and more, but not used as a codesystem. Is rather an identifier.
  • 0188: Operator ID

Candidates to Maintain as Code System

The following tables are most probably already declared as a codesystems:


  • 0004: Patient Class
  • 0007: Admission Type
  • 0083: Outlier Type
  • 0116: Bed Status
  • 0127: Allergen Type
  • 0128: Allergy Severity
  • 0131: Contact Role: 2 different CS due to change of codes
  • 0137: Mail Claim Party
  • 0144: Eligibility Source
  • 0145: Room Type
  • 0149: Day Type: requires a better name
  • 0174: Nature of Service/Test/Observation
  • 0177: Confidentiality Code
  • 0193: Amount Class
  • 0213: Purge Status Code
  • 0220: Living Arrangement
  • 0223: Living Dependency
  • 0228: Diagnosis Classification
  • 0230: Procedure Functional Type
  • 0260: Patient Location Type
  • 0261: Location Equipment
  • 0263: Level of care
  • 0265: Specialty Type
  • 0276: Appointment Reason Codes
  • 0280: Referral Priority
  • 0417: Tissue Type Code
  • 0422: Triage Code
  • 0425: Newborn Code
  • 0426: Blood Product Code
  • 0427: Risk Management Incident Code
  • 0436: Sensitivity to Causative Agent Code
  • 0438: Allergy Clinical Status
  • 0457: Overall Claim Disposition Code
  • 0469: Packaging Status Code
  • 0473: Formulary Status
  • 0485: Extended Priority Codes
  • 0508: Blood Product Processing Requirements
  • 0514: Transfusion Adverse Reaction
  • 0518: Override Type
  • 0571: Invoice Processing Results Status
  • 0642: Reorder Theory Codes
  • 0702: Cycle Type
  • 0739: (DRG) Status Patient
  • 0871: Supply Risk Codes
  • 0882: Medical Role Executing Physician
  • 0905: Shipment Status
  • 0914: Root Cause
  • 0921: Certification Type Code
  • 0922: Certification Category Code
  • 0949: Order Control Code Reason

as domain with examples only

Declared as a codesystem, but the table is probably more like a domain only because the values seem incomplete or not reasonable enough to argue a codesystem:

  • 0189: Ethnic Group (compare with table 0005 in v2.1)
  • 0216: Patient Status Code: list is incomplete, eg. planned patient, or ambulatory patient

Keep As Concept Domain Only with Example Values

Following a list of tables that represent domain only, some with some example values.


The following list contains the tables that definitely are just domain only:

  • 0034: site administered
  • 0069: hospital service
  • 0092: readmission indicator
  • 0098: type of agreement code
  • 0130: visit user code
  • 0214: Special Program Code
  • 0215: Publicity Code
  • 0232: Insurance Company Contact Reason
  • 0374: System Induced Contaminants: only one value
  • 0377: Other Environmental Factors: 2 examples
  • 0393: Match Algorithms: proprietary values only
  • 0401: Government Reimbursement Program: US, 2 example values only
  • 0402: School Type
  • 0409: Application Change Type
  • 0423: Case Category Code
  • 0435: Advance Directive Code
  • 0530: Organization, Agency, Department: unclear values, requires major improvement
  • 0556: Benefit Group
  • 0634: Item Importance Codes: only 1 value
  • 0657: Device Type: 3 example values
  • 0790: Approving Regulatory Agency: 2 example values that seem to be complete for US
  • 0793: Ruling Act: 1 value
  • 0923: Process Interruption: 3 example values


The following tables, which are proposed to be domain only, are better represented as codesystems and/or value sets:

  • 0017: Charge Type
  • 0146: Amount Type
  • 0147: Poliy Type
  • 0204: Organizational Name Type
  • 0269: Charge On Indicator
  • 0392: Match Reason
  • 0437: Alert Device Code
  • 0442: Location Service Code
  • 0474: Practitioner Organization Unit Type
  • 0507: Observation Result Handling
  • 0538: Institution Relationship Type
  • 0540: Inactive Reason Code
  • 0547: Jurisdictional Breadth
  • 0554: Invoice Reason Codes
  • 0555: Invoice Type
  • 0557: Payee Type
  • 0565: Provider Adjustment Reason Code: reasonable codes
  • 0570: Payment Method Code
  • 0651: Labor Calculation Type
  • 0717: Access Restriction Value
  • 0734: Grouper Status
  • 0755: Status Weight At Birth
  • 0757: DRG Status Respiration Minutes
  • 0761: DRG Procedure Determination Status
  • 0778: Item Type
  • 0935: Process Interruption Reason


The following list waits for further analysis. They have enough values to be used as codesystems with example binding. Therefore, for the time being, they are kept as codesystems:

  • 0140: Military Service: reasonable codes, but incomplete
  • 0142: Military Status: reasonable, but incomplete
  • 0150: Certification Patient Type
  • 0270: Document Type
  • 0281: Referral Type: pretty complete
  • 0305: Person Location Type
  • 0309: Coverage Type
  • 0317: Annotations: example values from US, needs fixing
  • 0324: Location Characteristic ID: needs renaming, remove ID
  • 0325: Location Relationship ID: needs renaming, remove ID
  • 0375: Artificial Blood: needs clinical background information
  • 0406: Participant Organization Unit Type
  • 0431: Recreational Drug Use Code
  • 0445: Identity Reliability Code
  • 0459: Reimbursement Action Code
  • 0499: Consent Bypass Reason: 2 values
  • 0501: Consent Non-Disclosure Reason: 3 values
  • 0535: Signature Code: US values only
  • 0560: Quantity Units
  • 0561: Product/Services Clarification Codes
  • 0562: Processing Consideration Codes
  • 0564: Adjustment Category Code
  • 0569: Adjustment Action
  • 0572: Tax status
  • 0618: Protection Code
  • 0659: Lot Control
  • 0806: Sterilization Type
  • 0818: Package: reasonale set of codes
  • 0881: Role Executing Physician: values need examination
  • 0932: Donation Duration Units: 2 reasonable values
  • 0945: Auto-Dilution Type -> Auto-Dilution Factore

tables to External Vocabulary

The following tables refer to external vocabulary like Snomed or LOINC. We can create value sets by listing the specific codes that should be included, but we cannot create a codesystem:

  • 0719: Access Restriction Reason Code
  • 0961: Device Type
  • 0963: Device Safety

tables that changed among versions

  • 0005: ethnic Group vs. race
    • codesystem: v2.1
    • domain only: v2.2 - v2.3.1
    • foreign value set: v2.4- v2.9
    • domain only: v2.9.1
  • 0006: religion
    • different codesystems
    • missing values in new codesystem
  • 0078: interpretation codes
    • maintained as codesystems till v2.8.2
    • maintained as concept domain from v2.9

Incomplete Tables

  • 0359: diagnosis priority
  • 0391: segment group (requires new extract from message structures)

Tables with specific syntax for some codes

  • 0359: diagnosis priority
  • ????: timing

outdated or unused tables

  • 0020 unclear table: in v2.1 and v2.2

Other Issues

This list identifies other issues that need clarification:

  • 0242: Primary Observer’s Qualification
    • this list seems to introduce a hierarchy of values
    • this list seems to be incomplete
    • TODO: validate and complete list
  • 0359: diagnosis priority
    • incomplete codesystem, “2 and higher” as code
  • 0372: Specimen Component
    • unclear whether this is a classification (with other), or a terminology
    • treated as terminology for the moment
  • 0383: Substance status
    • seems to be a hierarchic codesystem (would need to add other codes)
    • can bo temporarily solved by declaring “OW” and “OE” as “other”
  • 0485: Extended Priority Codes
    • incomplete list
    • expression syntax
  • 0642: Reorder Theory Codes
    • strange codes
  • 0739: (DRG) Status Patient
    • verify correct name of table -> change for early versions
  • 0882: Medical Role Executing Physician
    • should become domain with example values only