HL7 Belgium

About Us



Current Logo


Year of establishment


Number of members

Approximately 20 members from industry, hospitals, governmen

Current Chair

Jose Teixeira

José Costa Teixeira: Working in healthcare since 2001 and living in Belgium since 2009 - and being an active contributor to SDOs like HL7, IHE, ISO, DICOM... since that same year, José has been a promoter of standardization in healthcare (in Belgium and other countries), using a rapid and early adoption of standards.

Technical Lead and working groups

Technical Leads are Robin Bosman, Karlien Erauw and José Costa Teixeira.
Currently HL7 Belgium organizes the following working groups:

Some highlights and major achievements - since establishment

Cooperation with government institutions

Project Highlights

Events, e.g. IHIC

Plans for the future?